criminal law
¿En qué podemos ayudarte?
Delitos contra la salud publica
Trafico de Drogas
Delitos contra el patrimonio
Robo, hurto, receptación, daños, defraudaciones, etc.
Delitos económicos
Apropiación indebida, administración desleal, estafa, falsificaciones, delitos societarios, blanqueo de capitales, insolvencia punible, etc.
Delitos contra la libertad sexual
Agresión sexual, abuso sexual, acoso sexual, etc.
Delitos de violencia domestica
Violencia en el ámbito familiar, violencia de género, malos tratos.
Delitos de trafico
Alcoholemias, exceso de velocidad, conducción sin carné, desobediencia a la autoridad, conducción temeraria y omisión del deber de socorro.
PARADELA LAWYERS offers you solutions for any problem in the field of Criminal Law, providing assistance and direction legal necessary, both in Defense and in Private Accusation.
The crimes included in the Penal Code are very broad and sometimes very complex. is done then essential in any procedure effective legal aid that prevents technical or formal errors and that may lead to unsatisfactory results. Within the Criminal Procedure the natural and legal persons, regardless of the position that they occupy, whether they are accusers or defendants, practitioners of popular action, civil or injured parties, require the appointment of a lawyer for their intervention and effective participation in the instruction and processing of the procedure.
Criminal Law is the branch of public law that regulates the punitive or sanctioning power of the State. In other words, it regulates the set of legal norms that define certain behaviors as infractions (serious crimes, less serious crimes and minor crimes) and provides for the application of sanctions (penalties and security measures) to those who commit them.
Prestamos asistencia y asesoramiento jurídico tanto a empresas como a particulares en el ámbito penal y criminal, ofreciendo respuesta a todas aquellas situaciones en las que pueda verse inmerso dentro de esta rama del Derecho.
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